Your cash flow forecast can help you monitor your day-to-day cash flow and anticipate when times will be slow before they hit. By anticipating when cash coming into your business might be light—or when you might have to spend more than you’re accustomed to—you can avoid a cash crisis.
Why Bookkeeping is crucial to your success
How To Hire An Excellent Bookkeeper For Your Business
The nuances of bookkeeping vary from one corner of the market to another. When assessing candidates, it’s important to look not only at total years of experience, but also at the relevance of that experience. For example, if your business is fashion, a bookkeeper who has primarily worked in the auto industry won’t have the insights into your industry that can really add value to your work together.
How to Strengthen your balance sheet
Your balance sheet reveals a great deal about your business, including the total value of
your assets – the things you own; how much you owe to others – your liabilities, and the
level of your liquidity These three aspects will be studied carefully by lenders and investors − and by buyers if
you intend to sell your business. Read more to understand how to strengthen your balance sheet regardless of your industry.
What do I do if I get audited?
No business owner looks forward to a letter from the taxman requesting a closer look at the books.
If you’ve received an audit letter – an official request by the tax authority to review your
accounts and confirm your taxes have been paid to date – don’t panic. Prepare.
These four steps will help you get through the process with minimal stress and the best
possible outcome.