Don’t Give Up
Things are tough right now. At the time of this writing, Covid-19 is wreaking havoc with local and national economies everywhere. Businesses, including law firms, are struggling to stay afloat. In short, things look bleak.
But we’re optimistic. We think there are a lot of good reasons not to throw in the towel and give up. Continue reading below to find out why we’re still looking on the bright side!
Things May Get Worse, But They’ll Get Better Afterwards
Yes, things are looking bad at the moment. And yes, things may get worse. But we have every reason to believe that circumstances will improve in the long run. Just as the last 150 years have represented an almost uninterrupted climb up the ladder of human productivity and wellbeing, we expect that the next decade will be no exception.
The fundamentals of the American economy are strong. People are educated, relatively wealthy, and productive. We’ll get through this crisis like we’ve gotten through every other crisis: with grace and efficiency.
Your Clients Need You
Now more than ever, your clients need you. People don’t go to lawyers for the company (although you do make fantastic company). They come to you because you can solve their problems. Whether you’re a personal injury lawyer seeking justice for an injured driver or a solicitor trying to help a client through a complicated contract of purchase and sale, your clients need you now.
The last thing your clients want is for their lawyers to become unavailable at a time when the world seems to be grinding to a halt. It’s in times of trouble and crisis that people rely the most on the professionals to help them with. You can’t let them down.
Your Employees Need You
While it would sometimes be nice to simply hit pause on everything in your professional life it doesn’t work that way. From your support staff to the lawyers who work with you to the people in the court office, all of us are interconnected and rely on one another to get us through the month. We need one another to help us pay the bills, rent, and to support our children.
It’s almost certain that you want to be able to step up and support your employees and colleagues through these difficult times. The sooner and faster you can get things back to “normal” at your firm, the sooner your people will be able to stabilize their lives.
Final Thoughts
Not only do we have good reason to be optimistic about the ability of the world to recover from this shock, but we also have good reason to believe that you have every incentive to help that happen. People depend on you and your firm to deliver results, solve problems, and put your people to work. Believe it or not, but before you know it you’ll be doing these things like never before. The country, your firm, and you are stronger than you’ve ever known.